Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurricane Rita at The Woodlands

Still no water anywhere. Got four six-packs of gatorade.

I-45 going north is almost completely stopped to Sawdust exit. There is so much construction around Houston.

Here is MY worst case scenario:

Accidents and slow moving traffic cause people to get stuck on I-45. Their cars start to flood. They have no where to go.

Sound far-fetched? Heavy storms already render parts of I-45 impassable between The Woodlands and Conroe. Last big storm I remember people were abandoning their cars and walking to safety.

We are staying put. The weather guys evacuated their families yesterday.

The stores are packed. People are getting more hysterical and edgy. I topped off the truck and the lines are out of the parking lot. Gas will be gone soon here and the freeways will be clogged.

Sounds like paradise to me!
More blogs about the woodlands rita.