Friday, September 09, 2005

Happy Saturday!

My commitment to edifying stories on Saturdays remains. This weekend, the memorial of 9/11 will be on the news everywhere. Do I remember? Every day. How could I ever forget?

What will I do Sunday? Going to a bridal shower or going to serve Hurricane Katrina evacuees. Either way, the blessing will be seeing people whose lives are being transformed by birth or rebirth. Becoming a parent changes you prfoundly. Losing everything does the same.

As I said before, these times can be catalysts for positive actions. My fortune cookie said tonight:
Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.

How's that for timely? I would say this as well:
Every blessing carries with it the seed of possibility for growth and gratitude.

A baby is the best blessing of all. And wow are kids a catalyst for change and growth!

My hope: May Katrina's adversity carry a seed of greater benefit for all in her wake. Lots of possibilities.
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