Friday, September 09, 2005

No More Toothbrushes at Target

After sitting in the bleachers at the elementary school proudly watching my kids win medals for reading lots and lots this summer this morning, the little dude and I shopped at Target--for diapers of course, but I didn't make it home until I had spent over $100 on necessities like a neat bag holder designed by Michael Graves and a mirror designed by Thomas O'Brian. I can't help it! Target carries cooly-designed stuff.

While musing over five million choices of Secret deoderant alone, a woman shopping next to me mused over toothbrushes. What's so fascinating? And then I noticed: they were almost all gone. All zillion toothbrushes were gone except for the super-expensive race-car models that cash in at just under $4 a brush. She had at least ten of these in her hand.

"Are you buying those for the hurricane victims?" I asked. She was. But she was disturbed.

"The Indian-American Association of The Woodlands e-mailed us lists and asked us to do kits for a family, but I wanted to do 10 kits. At these prices though, I might have to cut back because I want to give money, too."

She sighed. She wanted to do more. I marvelled. What a great country! What a great state! What a great city! What a great community! I love my fellow Americans.

Around the isle, Target sold kits with the Red Cross Seal and the, for $29 with $10 of each sale going to The American Red Cross. I bought one. It has basic survival stuff. Nothing fancy except a really great-designed plastic holder that would keep water out. It's not much, but it's something.

My husband drove down to the George R. Brown to offer Chiropractic and natural health advice to the needy--both the refugees and the other service personnel. He called me excited to say that he had treated a couple fire chiefs, some EMTs and other people. We will both go down tomorrow afternoon to help more.

I asked what the whole system was like. He said that it was organized and amazing. Half the arena is dedicated to medical care, the other half to giving out money and other support services like moving to homes. A semi housed a mobile X-ray unit. Neat rows of exam stations staffed with doctors and nurses and EMTs abounded. "Police are everywhere," he said. It is all very secure.

When crisis hits and we see suffering and the pictures cause us to despair, the solution to the helplessness is action. Man it feels good to DO something. It may be a drop in the bucket of service to those suffering, but lots of drops together cause a deluge of love.

We will be adding more drops that will hopefully help to wash away the sorrow of the Hurricane survivors next Friday, September 16, 2005 from 9 - 9. All new patients can give a suggested minimum donation of $50 with 100% of the proceeds benefitting the American Red Cross. Just drop by! No appointment necessary!

Please join us! Send your family members and friends. Bring people in who have intended treatment but never got it. And Hurricane Katrina people will be treated for FREE. Help us help more people. There is no obligation for further treatment. Just come on in!

Together our little drops add up to lots of love.
More blogs about the woodlands rita.